Latest Email Campaigns

Lemieux Et Cie
Lemieux Et Cie
Lemieux Et Cie
Make 2025 the Year of Personal Interiors and Provenance
Lemieux Et Cie
Cast the Perfect Glow: 20% Off Lighting Ends Feb 18
Lemieux Et Cie
Our Apologies!
Lemieux Et Cie
The Art of Craft: The Pernelle & Mercier Chairs
Lemieux Et Cie
Luxury in the Little Moments: Curate Your Space Beautifully
Lemieux Et Cie
Your 2025 Interior Journey Begins: Thoughtful Pieces, Lasting Beauty
Lemieux Et Cie
French Deco Meets Modern Craft: Explore the Dumas Chair
Lemieux Et Cie
Elevate Your Home Office: Lemieux Et Cie's Desk & Chair Pairings
Lemieux Et Cie
Lemieux Et Cie
EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PREVIEW: Pierre Emmanuel Martin's Limited Collection is Here
Lemieux Et Cie
Lemieux Et Cie
Plaster Perfection: Iconic French-Inspired Furniture is Finally Here!
Lemieux Et Cie
Make Your Table Shine: Bruges Dinnerware is Now In Stock
Lemieux Et Cie
Lemieux Et Cie
The Outlet Is Here: Iconic Designs, Exclusive Prices
Lemieux Et Cie
Grateful for You – Cheers to 2025!
Lemieux Et Cie
Lemieux Et Cie
The Boxing Day Sale Is Here: Timeless Design Awaits
Lemieux Et Cie
From Our Family to Yours: A Heartfelt Holiday Greeting
Lemieux Et Cie
Curated Luxury: Decorative Accessories That Tell a Story
Lemieux Et Cie
Unlock Dreams: A Gift Guide Celebrating 100 Years of Surrealism
Lemieux Et Cie
Inspired Dining: Master the Craft of Elegant Tablescaping
Lemieux Et Cie
We’re Listening: Trade Discount Increased to 15%
Lemieux Et Cie
Spread Holiday Joy: 10% Off Lemieux Et Cie Gift Cards
Lemieux Et Cie
Give The Gift of Scent That Everyone Loves
Lemieux Et Cie
Bring Art Basel Home: Fine Art Prints for the Holidays
Lemieux Et Cie
Final Hours: Cyber Monday Savings End Tonight
Lemieux Et Cie
Timeless Designs, Exclusive Cyber Monday Savings
Lemieux Et Cie
Lemieux Et Cie
Don’t Miss Out: Black Friday Ends Soon
Lemieux Et Cie
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Lemieux Et Cie

Lemieux et Cie | Modern Luxury Furniture and Home Dcor
Luxury furniture, textiles and home dcor for modern, artful living inspired by European design traditions. Handmade, custom, small-batch, artisanal pieces for your space.

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