Latest Email Campaigns

Heritage Guitars
Introducing the Heritage Custom Shop Core Collection H-555
Heritage Guitars
Mason Marangella reviews his new Core Collection Artisan Aged H-150
Heritage Guitars
Pre-order Now: Heritage Core Collection H-150 P90 Artisan Aged in Gold Top/Dark Back
Heritage Guitars
Introducing the Heritage Custom Shop Core Collection H-137
Heritage Guitars
This month’s feature: Heritage Core Collection H-150 Dirty Lemon Burst
Heritage Guitars
Pre-order Now: Heritage Custom Shop H-150 Sonic Grey
Heritage Guitars
Pre-order Now: Heritage Custom Shop Artisan Aged H-150 Cherry Over Dark Cherry Sunburst
Heritage Guitars
Pre-order Now: Heritage Custom Shop H-150 Olive Drab
Heritage Guitars
Introducing the Heritage Custom Shop Core Collection H-157
Heritage Guitars
Pre-Order Now: Heritage Custom Shop H-535 Blistered Maple in Almond Sunburst
Heritage Guitars
Introducing the Heritage Custom Shop Core Collection H-575
Heritage Guitars
Pre-Order Now: Heritage Custom Shop Build 1158 H-150
Heritage Guitars
Now available in Artisan Aged: Heritage Custom Core H-535 and H-530
Heritage Guitars
Pre-Order Now: Heritage Custom Shop Build 1215 H-150
Heritage Guitars
Limited Time Special: Receive a free MONO Vertigo Semi-Hollow Guitar Case
Heritage Guitars
Introducing the Heritage Custom Core H-535 and H-530
Heritage Guitars
Morgan Burrs & Cam Griffin for "In Good Company"
Heritage Guitars
Get to know the Custom Core H-150 P90
Heritage Guitars
Introducing the Custom Core H-150 P90
Heritage Guitars
Chris Payton & Chris McCorkle for "In Good Company"
Heritage Guitars
Tim Stewart & Kerry Marshall for "In Good Company"
Heritage Guitars
Chris Payton & Tim Stewart for "In Good Company"
Heritage Guitars
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Heritage Guitars
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Heritage Guitars

Heritage Guitars | Finest American-Made Electric Guitars
We build guitars for the most discerning and passionate players. Crafted in 225 Parsons, Kalamazoo.

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